In summary, the mutations either had no influence on the survival under pH stress conditions or improved resistance towards pH stress. Figure 4 Resistance towards pH stress. The bacteria were grown in Middlebrook 7H9 broth with OADC at pH 7 and pH 5 during 11 days; the ATP content was recorded by quantification of the amount of ATP in the cultures. The amount of ATP is represented
as RLU (relative light units). A: WT and mutant MAV_1778; B: WT and mutant MAV_3128; C: WT and mutant MAV_3625; D: WT and mutant MAV_2599. Amoeba plating test Free-living amoebae are known to host environmental mycobacteria including M. avium, which are able to survive in Acanthamoeba trophozoites as well as in the exocysts [4,
60, 61]. Growth in Acanthamoeba was associated with subsequently enhanced Selleck Palbociclib virulence in infection experiments with mice [62]. Since some virulence mechanisms are employed by amoeba-resistant bacteria to survive in amoebae as well as in macrophages [4, 63–65], amoebae have been used as test systems for determination of bacterial virulence factors [40, 63, 66]. An Acanthamoeba castellanii agar plate assay was developed and successfully employed for screening of mutants of Legionella pneumophila[40]. We adapted this APT to fit the growth conditions (medium, temperature, duration) of M. avium and tested the eight mutants in comparison to the WT. After incubation for five to seven days at Doxacurium chloride 28°C, the WT formed colonies even if the cultures were diluted 1:103 before being dropped on the lawn of amoebae. The growth of some mutants was more strongly affected by the amoebae but a differentiated evaluation of the impact of the various mutations on survival in the amoebae
was not possible (data not shown). The APT thus was not sensitive enough to reveal differences in the capacity of the mutants to survive within the amoebae. This was surprising, because the APT has proven to be an efficient tool for the identification of virulence genes in L. pneumophilae[40]. There are several possible explanations for this discrepancy. Amoebae are the most important habitat of Legionella, while M. avium is not dependent on the presence of amoebae for survival and distribution. As a consequence, Legionella might have evolved more important virulence factors interacting with amoebae. Another possible explanation may result from the differences in the generation times of L. pneumophilae and M. avium. L. pneumophilae is a fast-growing bacterium forming clearly visible colonies few days after plating, while the slow-growing M. avium 104 requires two weeks to generate colonies of comparable size. This time span may be too long to maintain the amoebae as trophozoites actively interacting with the mycobacteria. In conclusion, we estimate the APT to be of only little value for the detection of virulence genes of slow-growing mycobacteria.