They were instructed to ignore the auditory stimulation and watch a DNA Damage inhibitor silenced, subtitled movie of their choice on a computer screen in front of them (distance = 120 cm). Figure 1 schematically pictures the experimental design. Stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) was set to 150 ms. The onset of first deviant tones was always unpredictable, and violated in the pitch dimension the first-order formal regularity established by standard
tone repetition. We assume that also the repeated deviant tone violated the first-order regularity established by standard tones. In both cases, a first-order prediction error response is elicited. Two ‘repetition probability’ conditions were created: in a ‘high-repetition probability’ condition, deviant tones were always repeated; in a ‘low-repetition probability’ condition, deviant tones were either repeated or followed by a standard tone with equal probability. Two ‘temporal regularity’ conditions were created, producing ‘isochronous’ and ‘anisochronous-onset’ sequences. Large jitter values may induce significant differences in single-trial peak latencies, leading to an artifactual reduction of event-related deflection amplitudes (low-pass effect of averaging procedure; see Spencer, 2005). We thus kept anisochrony to a perceptible minimum, limiting the SOA jitter to ± 20% (in randomized steps of 5 ms, range 120–180 ms, uniform distribution). The same number of deviant pairs was used
in both deviant repetition probability conditions. In the high-repetition probability PI3K inhibitor condition, there were 1200 standard and 240 deviant stimuli, accounting for 120 deviant pairs. Standard tones had a probability of 83.33%, and deviant tones 16.67% (each deviant considered as a single event). They were administered in one block of about 3.6 min. In the Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase low-repetition probability condition, global oddball values were adapted to 87% standard and 13% deviant tones: 2400 standard, 360 deviant stimuli, accounting for 120 deviant pairs and 120 single deviant tones (one block, about 6.9 min). This way, we could control for refractoriness-dependent
differences on the elicitation of first deviant N1 amplitudes, as the length of standard sequences (mean n = 10) before first deviant onset was the same across higher-order formal regularity conditions: high-repetition probability, 1200 standards/120 first deviants; low-repetition probability, 2400 standards/240 first deviants, pooled from both paired and single events. Block order presentation was randomized within subjects. An additional condition with repetition probability set to 75% was also included. Its effects are reported in the Supporting Information, section A, as they were uninformative to the aims of distinguishing between high and low deviant repetition probabilities. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was continuously recorded using an ActiveTwo amplifier system (BioSemi, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; http://www.biosemi.