The interviews were semi-structured; a framework of themes relate

The interviews were semi-structured; a framework of themes related to physical activity guided the interviewer. The framework of themes buy GW786034 was based on potential topics identified in the literature and finalised after discussion with medical experts and two pilot interviews with people with COPD. The topic list of the interviews is presented in Box 1. Interview questions in this framework guided the interviewer but unanticipated themes were allowed.

The interviewer made notes during the interview and wrote them up fully directly after. History of physical activity What kind of physical activities have you undertaken in the past? Motivation to be physically active What are the reasons for you to be physically active? Motivation to be physically inactive What are the reasons for you to be physically inactive? Experiences with physical activity How does it feel for you

to be physically active? Cognitions about physical activity Do you feel that you benefit from being physically active? Self-efficacy for physical activity Do you feel confident in your ability to perform the physical activities you intend to do? Opportunities and barriers to become physically active Do you experience specific opportunities in becoming physically active? Do you experience selleck compound specific barriers in becoming physically active? Social support for physical activity Do you experience support for physical activity? For example, support from family, friends, physician or physical therapist? Preferred type of activity Do you prefer performing a certain type of physical Linifanib (ABT-869) activity? Physical activity: Physical activity was measured with a triaxial accelerometera. Participants were instructed to wear the small device around their waist continuously for one week, except during showering and swimming. The device is able to detect types of activity (lying, sitting, standing, shuffling, and locomotion) and to measure steps and energy expenditure. It has been shown to be an accurate instrument to measure postures and gait in older adults and people with COPD (Dijkstra et al

2010, Langer et al 2009). Other measurements: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were measured by trained lung function technicians with a spirometerb according to European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society guidelines ( Miller et al 2005). Dyspnoea severity was determined by the modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea index ( Bestall et al 1999). Exercise capacity was measured with the 6-minute walk test ( ATS 2002). Two 6-minute walk tests with at least one hour in between were performed to account for a training effect and the higher score was used in the analyses. All measurements were performed over three study visits. At Visit 1, participants were interviewed at home. During Visit 2 at the hospital, lung function was measured and the accelerometer was explained.

For simplicity, we have considered the example of a trial in whic

For simplicity, we have considered the example of a trial in which inpatients are allocated to either an intervention or control group. However, the same opportunity for corruption of the randomisation process can occur when two active treatments are compared, when there are three or more groups, or when participants are recruited from the wider community (Schulz 1995). Some empirical evidence Doxorubicin price indicates that the presence or absence of concealment in randomised trials is associated with the magnitude of bias in estimates of treatment effects (Schulz and Grimes 2002). Therefore, it is worth considering ways in which

a random allocation schedule can be concealed. A variety of methods can be used to generate the random allocations for a trial and

this may influence the measures required to conceal upcoming allocations. Among the simplest randomisation methods is flipping a coin. If investigators faithfully flip the coin for each participant only after eligibility and willingness to participate have been confirmed, this would effectively conceal each upcoming allocation. Although investigators theoretically understand the need for group similarity, they may overlook its importance and fail to Selleckchem Bcl-2 inhibitor act impartially once they are involved in a trial ( Schulz 1995). Therefore, given the temptation to re-flip a coin, methods of concealment that are less easily circumvented may be more convincing to those who read the trial’s Farnesyltransferase methods. Whether a random allocation list is generated by flipping a coin, from random number tables, or by a computer, a list of allocations for the whole trial can be generated prospectively. Each allocation can then be sealed in a consecutively numbered envelope by an independent investigator and the set of envelopes given to the enrolling investigator. When the enrolling investigator wants to enrol and randomise a new participant, the participant’s name is written on the front of the next available envelope before opening the sealed envelope and retrieving the allocation from inside. Various modifications have been developed to prevent circumvention of this method of concealment.

Opaque envelopes are usually used so that the contents aren’t visible under a bright light. For an example, see the trial of neural tissue stretching for neck and arm pain by Nee and colleagues (2012). Carbon paper may be placed inside the envelope to ensure that the participant’s name is applied to the allocation inside, so that allocations aren’t swapped between envelopes. For an example, see the trial of calf stretching for plantar heel pain by Radford and colleagues (2007). While envelope-based systems will usually satisfy readers of a trial report that randomisation was properly implemented, more elaborate procedures may be better still. It is preferable that the allocation list is held only by an independent agent.

The random allocation sequence was computer-generated by a person

The random allocation sequence was computer-generated by a person not involved in participant recruitment. Group allocation was concealed using consecutively numbered, sealed, opaque envelopes, which were kept off-site. After baseline assessment, the investigator contacted a person who was not involved in the study to reveal

the group allocation. End of intervention and follow-up assessments were conducted at Week 6 and Week 10, respectively. All patients admitted with a traumatic brain injury to one of three metropolitan brain injury rehabilitation units in Sydney (namely: Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney, Liverpool Hospital, and Westmead Hospital) were screened between January 2009 and December 2014. They were selleck inhibitor invited by their physiotherapists to participate in the study if they

fulfilled the following criteria: first documented traumatic brain injury; a score of 4 or less on the walking item of Functional Independence Measure (ie, an inability to walk 17 m without physical assistance or 50 m with supervision); presence of an ankle contracture (defined selleckchem as passive dorsiflexion ankle range of motion less than 5 deg at a torque of 12 Nm, measured using the device specified in the study); ability to participate in the assessment and intervention program; no unstable medical conditions or recent ankle fractures; no other neurological conditions such as spinal cord injury or cerebrovascular disease; anticipated length of stay in hospital of at least 6 weeks; and no botulinum toxin injection to ankle joint within 3 months. Participants in both groups received a 6-week program. The experimental group received

30 minutes of tilt table standing with electrical stimulation to the ankle dorsiflexor muscles, 5 days per week and ankle splinting 12 hours Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase a day, at least 5 days a week. Participants were stood on the tilt table as vertically as they would tolerate. A wedge was placed under the foot to maximise the stretch to the plantarflexor muscles. Electrical stimulation was applied to the dorsiflexor muscles while participants stood on the tilt table. The electrical stimulation was used like this in an attempt to increase the strength of the dorsiflexor muscles in their shortest length, where they are often weakest.15 Electrical stimulation was applied using a digital neuromuscular stimulation unita through a pair of square electrodes (5 cm x 5 cm). The stimulation parameters were: pulse width of 300 μs, frequency of 50 Hz, on time of 15 seconds, off time of 15 seconds, and a ramping-up period of 1.5 seconds. These parameters were selected to optimise any strengthening benefits.16 The amplitude of electrical stimulation was set to produce maximum tolerable muscle contractions. For participants who were unable to indicate tolerable levels of stimulation, the amplitude of stimulation was set to generate a palpable muscle contraction.

For chiral drug molecules only one enantiomer (the eutomer)

For chiral drug molecules only one enantiomer (the eutomer)

will fit properly into this receptor, resulting in the desired therapeutic effect. The other enantiomer (the distomer) can either not interact or can interact less intense with the receptor, which generally causes a lower effect. Occasionally the distomer interacts with other receptors, causing side or even toxic effects. As a consequence, the enantiomers of drug candidates must be subjected to supplementary investigations during development HCS assay processes: the eutomer has to be distinguished from the distomer during identification and impurity determinations of the drug substance. For drug products, it should be confirmed that the eutomer is present in the required dose while the distomer level should be analyzed as impurity, as prescribed in the guidelines imposed by the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH), more precisely in guideline Q6A (decision tree number 5).3 and 4 According to the regulatory authorities, an enantioselective HPLC method should be able to separate the optically Cyclopamine price active drug substance from the enantiomeric impurity and other potential organic impurities. Potential organic impurities include chiral and/or achiral starting materials, intermediates and by-products from the drug substance manufacturing

process. Enantiomers are strictly similar in structure to the active product ingredient (API). So, a chemo-and enantioselective HPLC purity appears a critical step in the development of high-quality manufacturing processes and quality-control methods. Adenylyl cyclase Sitagliptin Phosphate is chemically 7-[(3R)-3-amino-1-oxo-4-(2,4,5 trifluorophenyl) butyl]-5,6,7,8-tetrahydo-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1,2,4-Triazolo

[4,3-a] pyrazine phosphate (1:1) monohydrate (Fig. 1),an oral anti-diabetic agent that blocks dipeptidylpeptidase-4 (DPP-4) activity. Currently it is available in the market under the brand name of Januvia. Januvia is an orally-active inhibitor of the dipeptidylpeptidase-4 (DPP-4) enzyme. The DPP-4 enzyme inactivates incretin hormones, which are involved in the physiologic regulation of glucose homeostasis. By inhibiting DPP-4, Januvia increases and prolongs active incretin levels. This in turn increases insulin release and decreases glucagon levels in the circulation in a glucose-dependent manner. Januvia is specifically indicated for the improvement of glycemic control in patients with type II diabetes mellitus as monotherapy or combination therapy with metformin or a peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR) agonist (e.g., thiazolidinediones) when the single agent does not provide adequate glycemic control. Several HPLC methods are reported for determination of sitagliptin phosphate in tablet dosage and combination with other drugs in pharmaceutical formulation, and plasma.

coli strains could only propagate in kanamycin-containing media i

coli strains could only propagate in kanamycin-containing media if host-encoded LacI repressor molecules were successfully titrated by plasmid-based

lacO. Thus, this strain allows plasmid selection pressure without incorporation of antibiotic resistance genes in the plasmid propagation unit; they required only lacO and an origin of replication for propagation purposes, which give advantages for use as gene therapy vectors. However, a potential disadvantage of this system is complication between promoter and operator sites which have been shown to cause interference in DNA replication, and antibiotic is still needed in the culture broth [45]. Toxin–antitoxin (TA) system comprises of two essential elements; a biologically active protein molecule as ‘toxin’, and the corresponding inhibitor as ‘antitoxin’. In this scheme, AZD6244 both toxin and antitoxin will be expressed at low levels upon transformation of plasmid containing a functional TA operon into a bacterial cell, and form a toxin–antitoxin complex. Due to complex formation, the bacteria cell is protected against the action of the toxin. The toxin–antitoxin complex also acts as a repressor to the transcription of the TA operon. At least, one copy of the plasmid retained in the bacteria cell will stabilise the situation. However, once the plasmid is lost during cell division, the system will be activated. The labile antitoxin

is constantly degraded by a specific protease in the cell and freed the toxin. As a result, the toxin can attack its PD0325901 solubility dmso target in plasmidless cells thus inhibiting cell growth and ultimately killing

the cell [46]. As an example, F-plasmid ccd antidote-poison operon was modified for this system. The ccd operon of the F plasmid encodes CcdB, a toxin targeting the essential gyrase of E. coli, and CcdA, the unstable antidote that interacts with CcdB to neutralize its toxicity; this scheme allowed plasmid stabilization by killing newborn bacteria that have lost a plasmid Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease copy at cell division [47]. This system does include a protein based selection marker (CcdB) and has not been evaluated in large scale plasmid production. This selection system utilized the endogenous RNAI/RNAII antisense regulators of the replication origin [10]. Bacterial chromosome in this system was designed to contain an RNAII sequence within the untranslated region of the mRNA. During plasmid availability, the expressed RNAI repressor binds both the plasmid encoded RNAII and also chromosomally expressed RNAII sequence and formed RNAI:RNAII complex which suppresses the translation of the chromosomal gene through RNA–RNA antisense regulation. The regulated gene can be a resistance marker, repressor gene or a toxic/lethal gene [32], [40], [43] and [48]. Recently, a new RNA based antibiotic-free selection system has been reported [32].

The inhibition of adenovirus vector expression by MVA was also co

The inhibition of adenovirus vector expression by MVA was also confirmed through in vitro experiments. Furthermore, the suppression factor(s) included an undefined soluble protein, besides cytokines such as type I IFN. Two viral vectors were used in this study: One vector was an E1/3-deleted adenovirus vector expressing the secreted alkaline phosphatase SEAP gene (Ad-SEAP), HIVIIIB gp160 Env (Ad-HIV)

[4], the green fluorescent protein (Ad-GFP) or mCherry fluorescent protein (Ad-Cherry). Another vector was modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing HIVBH2 gp160 Env and a report gene LacZ (MVA-HIV, a kind gift from Dr. Bernard Moss, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD) or the green fluorescent protein (MVA-GFP). The Ad vector was propagated in HEK293 cells and purified over CsCl as described elsewhere [5]. The total concentration of virions in each preparation was calculated by using the following formula: 1 OD260=1012 viral particle (vp)/ml1 OD260=1012 viral particle (vp)/ml The MVA virus was propagated in the BHK21 cell line and purified by one round of ultracentrifuge over 36% sucrose. The MVA virus was titrated JNJ-26481585 nmr in the BHK21 cell line to determine the number of plaque forming units (pfu). Eight-week-old BALB/c mice (H-2Dd) were purchased from

Japan SLC Inc. (Shizuoka, Japan). The mice were immunized with an intramuscular injection of 1010 vp of Ad-HIV and Ad-GFP, 107 pfu of MVA-HIV, or 105–7 pfu of MVA-GFP. All experiments were performed in accordance with the guidelines of the University

Animal Care and Use Committee of the Animal Research Center, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine. The assay was performed as described previously [25]. The H-2Dd/p18 tetramer (RGPGRAFVTI; synthesized by NIH Tetramer Core Facility, Atlanta, GA) labeled with phycoerythrin (PE) was used for the tetramer assay. Briefly, 100 μl of heparinized whole mouse blood was stained with 0.25 μg of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-conjugated) anti-mouse CD8a antibody (clone 53-6.7; eBioscience, San Diego, CA), along with 0.05 μg of tetramer reagent at room temperature for 30 min. The cells were all then fixed with 100 μl of OptiLyse B-Lysing solution (Beckman Coulter, Marseille Cedex, France) at room temperature for 10 min. Erythrocytes were lysed by adding 1 ml of H2O and washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). To detect antigen-specific memory T cells, the cells were co-stained with PE-p18 tetramer, FITC-anti CD8 antibody, 0.1 μg of phycoerythrin/cyanin7 (PE Cy7)-conjugated anti-mouse CD62L antibody (clone MEL-14; Biolegend, San Diego, CA), and 0.25 μg of Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated anti-mouse CD127 antibody (clone SB/199; AbD Serotec, Oxford, UK), similar to the tetramer assay described herein. The p18 tetramer+CD62L+CD127+CD8 T cells and p18 tetramer+CD62L−CD127+CD8 T cells were respectively defined as central memory (CM) CD8 T cells and effector memory (EM) CD8 T cells.

5 and 6

Aceclofenac, an NSAID, has been recommended orall

5 and 6

Aceclofenac, an NSAID, has been recommended orally for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It also has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic activity. The oral administration of aceclofenac causes gastrointestinal ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding in chronic use. Due to gastrointestinal bleeding it may cause anemia. Transdermal delivery of aceclofenac may avoid these side effects, may help in the better patient compliance and bypasses first pass metabolism.7, 8 and 9 Therefore, an improved aceclofenac formulation is desirable which gives high degree of permeation and is devoid of chemical penetration enhancers.10 In the study learn more Compritol 888 ATO, PEG-8 Miglyol

812 were selected as a solid and liquid lipids respectively. A nonionic surfactant Polysorbate 80 was used as stabilizer. The aceclofenac loaded NLC were optimized by using Box–Behnken Design. The selected formulations were evaluated for the Ex vivo animal skin study and pharmacodynamic study. Aceclofenac was provided by Ranbaxy GSK1120212 ic50 Laboratories, Gurgaon, Compritol 888 ATO by Gattefosse India Pvt. Ltd., PEG-8 Miglyol 812 by Subhash Chemicals, Polysorbate 80, ethyl acetate and other required chemicals are procured from Loba Chemie. The water used for all experiments was double distilled water. The NLC was prepared by a modified method of melt ultrasonication and high speed homogenization. Aceclofenac was dispersed in the about 10 g of mixed lipid phase (consisted of Compritol 888 ATO and PEG-8 Miglyol®812) maintained at around 10 °C above the melting temperature of mixed lipid. 2–5–10% (w/w) hot aqueous phase (Polysorbate 80) was heated to the same temperature then added drop by drop into the molten lipid phase under high speed homogenizer (ultra turrax) with 10000 rpm for 5 min. A hot pre-emulsion thus obtained was ultrasonicated using an ultrasonic

probe (PCI Instruments India) and again homogenized. The obtained dispersion cooled at room temperature was filtered through a millipore unless filter (0.45 μm). Aceclofenac loaded NLC gel was prepared by using Carbopol solution as a gelling vehicle for the NLC dispersion of aceclofenac. The gel consistency was obtained by adjusting the pH of the formulation. A three-factor, three-level Box–Behnken experimental design was used to optimize the procedure.11 and 12 (Table 1). The prepared NLCs were evaluated for the depression in melting point as compared with the pure lipid. The characterization was performed by using SEM and Master sizer (Malvern UK) for surface properties and size of the particles in the NLC dispersion. The lipid compatibility with the drug was studied by using FT IR and DSC graphs. The NLCs were evaluated for the rheological behavior by using Brookfield Viscometer (RVDV Pro II).

This plasmid can uniquely replicate in π-producing bacteria, thus

This plasmid can uniquely replicate in π-producing bacteria, thus restricting their production host range. Hence, only prokaryotic and narrow host range replication should be present in the plasmid backbone to avoid any chromosomal homologies. It is also critically important for vector system to replicate their genomes autonomously as extra-chromosomal elements to avoid undesirable integration [26]. Sequences in replication origin (backbone) essential for bacterial production but not for

therapeutic expression in mammalian cells may cause complications in patient, for example activation of cryptic expression signals [27]. Contaminating nucleic acids sequences coding for a recombinase (e.g. PhiC31), and/or restriction endonuclease (e.g. I-Sce 1), are undesirable because the chance of being transferred into the recipient Alectinib cell line cells and expressed during the transformation process is the most likely possibility.

The expression product has damaging capability on recipient’s genomic DNA including chromosomal aberrations [28]. One approach is to generate minicircle that are devoid of the replication origin and selectable marker, using integrase-mediated intramolecular recombination technique for expressing high and persistence levels of transgene in vivo [29]. Through minicircle technology, undesirable endonuclease and recombinase genes can be avoided and greatly reduced amounts of l-arabinose to induce DNA editing enzymes allowing making clinical grade of minicircle DNA vector more easily and cost effective [30]. Antibiotic resistance markers are the most commonly utilized to ensure these stable inheritance in plasmid production. One of the major concerns associated with in vivo application is the possible uptake of therapeutic gene or resistant marker by patient’s enteric bacteria [10]. The existence of these antibiotic markers in plasmid backbone is discouraged by regulatory agencies due to (a) the potential transmit of antibiotic resistance genes

to patient’s microflora (b) the possibility of activation and transcription of the genes upon cellular incorporation into the human genome and (c) concern with β-lactam antibiotics which can cause allergic reaction in some people [16], [31] and [32]. Because of these concerns, FDA has forbidden the usage of ampicillin and β-lactam antibiotics during plasmid production for human use [33]. Aminoglycoside such as kanamycin and neomycin are currently preferred, since they are rarely used in clinics and have low incidence effects of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity [34]. Due to this safety concern, various selection systems based on plasmid–host interaction have been developed. Recent patents and patents application on non-antibiotic plasmid marker in plasmid DNA production are listed in Table 1 [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40] and [41].


“Half signaling pathway FUO cases are undiagnosed despite advances in serological, immunological, imaging and genetic techniques. “
“Les pratiques de prescription des antifongiques ne sont pas satisfaisantes or les infections fongiques sont graves et des résistances aux traitements sont apparues ces dernières décennies. Une légère amélioration des pratiques de prescription des antifongiques a été observée et plusieurs points doivent être encore améliorés : la désescalade thérapeutique, les modalités d’administration et de suivi du traitement. “
“Les pathologies

addictives sont rencontrées chez 10 à 15 % des individus de la population générale au cours de leur vie [1] and [2]. Les consommations d’alcool et de tabac sont les premières causes de mortalité évitables [3]. L’approche pharmacologique en addictologie reste limitée. Les médicaments

disponibles agissent selon différents Onalespib datasheet modes : produits de substitution (nicotine dans la dépendance au tabac, buprénorphine et méthadone dans la dépendance aux opiacés), médicaments antabuses (disulfirame dans l’alcoolodépendance), médicaments utilisés dans le maintien de l’abstinence chez les patients alcoolodépendants en diminuant l’envie de boire (naltrexone et acamprosate). Cependant, leur efficacité n’a pas été observée chez tous les patients [4]. Le développement de nouveaux médicaments en addictologie est donc un enjeu de santé de publique. D’autres médicaments pourraient avoir un intérêt, en particulier certains anticonvulsivants tels que le topiramate. Cet anticonvulsivant, ayant des propriétés neuro-protectrices, a une autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) en France dans l’épilepsie, en monothérapie après l’échec d’un traitement antérieur ou en association à d’autres the traitements lorsque ceux-ci sont insuffisamment efficaces, ainsi que dans la migraine. Plus récemment,

la Food and Drug Administration (FDA), aux États-Unis, a autorisé l’usage du topiramate associé à la phentermine dans le traitement de l’obésité (indice de masse corporelle supérieur à 30 kg/m2) ou du surpoids associé à une comorbidité (diabète de type II, hypertension, dyslipidémie) à partir d’un IMC supérieur à 27 kg/m2[5]. Le topiramate possède six mécanismes d’action principaux : agoniste GABA au niveau du site GABA-A ; antagoniste des récepteurs AMPA et kaïnate du glutamate ; inhibiteur des canaux calciques de type L et limitation des seconds messagers calcium-dépendants ; stabilisateur des membranes via les canaux sodium voltage-dépendants ; activateur de la conductance du potassium ; inhibiteur faible des iso-enzymes CA-II et CA-IV de l’anhydrase carbonique [6] and [7]. Dans les addictions avec substances, une revue de la littérature sur l’efficacité du topiramate a été réalisée jusqu’en janvier 2009 [8].

Our results also show that switching from Tritanrix HB + Hib to Q

Our results also show that switching from Tritanrix HB + Hib to Quinvaxem had no negative impact with regards to safety; AE patterns were comparable Selleckchem VX-770 between the groups and well in line with those observed

in earlier studies with Quinvaxem [3]. The current study was conducted to provide data on the interchangeability of wP pentavalent vaccines in a primary vaccination course. Until now, only the interchangeability of wP pentavalent vaccines as a booster has been studied [13]. Substituting a booster dose of a lyophilized pentavalent vaccine with that of a fully liquid one was shown to be highly immunogenic with a favorable safety profile. It is, however, clear that there is limited interchangeability data available. The interchangeability

of the individual components of pentavalent vaccines, as well as for aP-containing vaccines has been shown [11], [12], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23] and [24]. Although data for aP containing vaccines is limited, their interchangeability is supported by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in the USA [25] and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) [26]. The recommendations given by ACIP and the PHAC were put in place because both the USA and Canada use pentavalent vaccines Angiogenesis inhibitor from more than one manufacturer, and it is possible that different products may be used in one individual during a vaccination course as a result, for example, of migration or vaccine shortages. It has also been shown that in a vaccine shortage situation 25% of children whose vaccination was deferred did not return for the indicated vaccine [26], leaving a population of children partially vaccinated and susceptible to disease. A reason for

the limited published data may be attributable to the fact that interchangeability is particularly difficult to study. If we consider that there are six WHO pre-qualified Astemizole pentavalent vaccines, and three doses in a primary vaccine course, then there are 125 theoretically possible permutations of vaccine doses. The chances of any particular permutation having been studied are very low. As stated by Decker [10]: “once we are faced with multiple combination vaccines, the likelihood shrinks that any particular substitution will have been studied explicitly”. We studied only one of 8 possible permutations using the two vaccines, and it is unrealistic to assume that all 8 should be tested and more so that all 125 be tested. Halsey, in his 1995 paper entitled: “Practical considerations regarding the impact on immunization schedules of the introduction of new combined vaccines”, discussed the inherent problems related to the increasing number of combined childhood vaccines available and in turn, the increasing number of potential permutations. The evaluation of all potential permutations has to be balanced against the cost of running clinical trials.