Wide-gap semiconductor ZnO was also investigated, since the band gap and the energetic position of the valence band maximum and conduction band minimum of ZnO are very close to those of TiO2[9]. Most of these composite materials were synthesized through chemical techniques, although physical deposition, such as sputtering, is also useful. In addition, one-step synthesis of a composite thin film is favorable for low-cost production of solar cells. Package synthesis requires a specific material design for each deposition technique, for example, radio frequency (RF) sputtering [10, 11] and hot-wall deposition [12]. The present study proposes a new composite
thin film with InSb-added TiO2 produced by RF sputtering. InSb nanocrystals may exhibit relatively high absorption efficiency due to a direct click here band structure with 0.17eV [13] and an exciton Bohr radius of 65.5 nm [14]. According to the material design, based on differences in the heat of formation [10, 11], InSb nanocrystals are thermodynamically stable in an TiO2, since Ti is oxidized more than InSb because the free energy of oxidation in InSbO4, which is a typical oxide of InSb, exceeds that of the TiO2[15, 16]. In addition, nanocrystalline InSb dispersed in the oxide matrix may exhibit quantum size effects, due to the wide band-gap of 3.2 eV BI2536 in TiO2 with anatase structure [17]. However, it is difficult
to forecast how the composite will be formed in the one-step synthesis, since the compound semiconductor, InSb, may have decomposed during the preparation process. In the current study, the composition of InSb-added TiO2 nanocomposite film is varied widely to find a composite with Megestrol Acetate vis-NIR
absorption due to the presence of InSb nanocrystals embedded in the wide-gap oxide matrix. Methods An InSb-added TiO2 nanocomposite film was prepared by RF sputtering from a composite target. Specifically, 5 × 5 mm2 InSb chips, which were cleaved from a 2-in diameter InSb (100) wafer, were set on a 4-in diameter ceramic TiO2 target. The chamber was first evacuated to a vacuum of 1.5 × 10−7 Torr. InSb-added TiO2 nanocomposite films were deposited on a Corning #7059 glass substrate (Norcross, GA, USA) cooled by water. The distance between the target and the substrate was kept constant at 73 mm. The total gas pressure of argon or argon with diluted oxygen was fixed at 2.0 × 10−3 Torr. RF power and deposition time were kept constant at 200 W and 60 min, and no RF bias was applied to the substrate. The InSb-added TiO2 nanocomposite films thus deposited were successively annealed at temperatures from 623 to 923 K in 50 K steps for 60 min in a vacuum to crystallize both InSb and TiO2. The film was structurally characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD, Rigaku RAD-X, Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan).