This study prompts us to use cautions when drawing the conclusion of ‘planar defect-free’ 1D nanostructures, especially for those made of materials with relatively low stacking fault energy. Last but not the least, it is worth pointing out that the current study is on long straight portions of boron carbide nanowires only. For boron carbide nanowires with kinks, new phenomena might be observed in the kinked portions, which is currently under investigation. Acknowledgements We appreciate
the financial support from the National Science Foundation (DMR 1308509 and 1308550, CMMI 0748090 and CBET 1067213). We are grateful to the multiuser facilities at UNC Charlotte including the TEM facility established by the NSF-MRI award 0800366 and the SEM lab within the Department PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science. We thank Dr. Timothy Gutu on his initial work on this project. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Supplementary information on (1) conversion between selleck rhombohedral and hexagonal notations, (2) TEM images taken from , , [010], and [110] directions, (3) determination of the preferred growth directions of TF and AF nanowires, (4) illustration of the geometrical orientations of TF and AF nanowires on TEM grids, and (5) detailed results from the tripod-like branched nanostructure. (PDF 1 MB) References 1. Wang N, Cai Y, Zhang RQ: Growth of nanowires. Mater Sci Eng R-Rep 2008, 60:1–51.CrossRef 2. Wu B, Heidelberg A, Boland JJ, Sader JE, Sun XM, Li YD: Microstructure-hardened silver nanowires. Nano Lett 2006, 6:468–472.CrossRef 3. Dick KA, Thelander C, Samuelson L, Caroff P: Crystal phase engineering in single InAs nanowires. Nano Lett 2010, 10:3494–3499.CrossRef 4. Guthy C, Nam CY, Fischer JE: Unusually low thermal conductivity of gallium nitride nanowires. J Appl Phys 2008, 103:064319.CrossRef 5. Bao JM, Bell DC, Capasso F, Wagner JB, Martensson T, Tragardh J, Samuelson L: Optical properties of rotationally twinned InP nanowire heterostructures. Nano Lett 2008, 8:836–841.CrossRef 6. Ding Y, Wang ZL: Structure analysis of nanowires and nanobelts by transmission electron microscopy. J Phys Chem B 2004, 108:12280–12291.CrossRef 7. pheromone Cayron C,
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