Third, an updated deforestation model for the next year was const

Third, an updated deforestation model for the next year was constructed by performing a logistic regression analysis on the updated spatial dataset to then produce a forest risk model for the following year. This iterative process was performed yearly until 2020. For all years modelled, a deforestation threshold was included

within the modelling procedure. This threshold reflects the net cost of deforestation and was based on the lowest predicted deforestation probability that was found to be cleared between 1985 and 2002. This meant that forest pixels with a risk value equal to or lower than the threshold Pifithrin �� could not be cleared within the modelling procedure, thereby reflecting a realistic situation on the ground, because deforestation rates would reduce over time as forest less suitable for clearance, e.g. at higher elevations, would not be cleared at the same rate as the more susceptible forest patches. This modelling procedure represented a scenario (#1) for selleck inhibitor no active conservation intervention. Next, the iterative deforestation modelling process was performed to determine the impact of two additional conservation intervention scenarios. The subsequent scenarios were modelled using data derived from the forest patrol patterns (i.e. 476 km2 forest covered) of the Bengkulu ranger law enforcement unit from 2007, the year in which the units became fully operational in the

study area. Scenario #2 modelled the investment of 476 km2 of full protection on the two largest lowland patches. Deforestation probabilities over these two areas were masked so that they could not be cleared. This also created a cost barrier, whereby interior forest lying behind these masks became less accessible as loggers would have to move around the fully protected patches rather than through them. Scenario #3 modelled 476 km2 of full protection on the four most threatened patches, as identified by the forest risk model from Scenario #1. Results Spatio-temporal deforestation

patterns Between 1985 and 2002, an average deforestation rate of 1.41%/yr was recorded in the Bengkulu study area. The most rapidly cleared forest type was lowland (3.18%/yr), followed by submontane (0.74%/yr), hill (0.53%/yr) and then montane (0.04%/yr). learn more Deforestation was related to forest accessibility, with forest closer to settlements, to forest edge, at lower elevations and on flatter land being more likely to be cleared for farmland (Table 1). The final regression model (#1.1) explained 76.8% of the original observations, was not affected by spatial autocorrelation (Moran’s I = −0.005, P > 0.1) and had an ROC value of 0.849 ± 0.021, indicating a highly accurate model fit. The spatially explicit forest risk model (Fig. 1), which was based on the results of the final regression model (Table 1), was found to accurately predict deforestation that occurred between 2002 and 2004 (cleared predicted probability; 0.

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