The PPP agreement is with the Biovac Institute which has a research and a development function and is developing local capacity for the production of vaccines. NAGI has no formal ties with NITAGs in other countries and has informal GDC-0449 ties only through its representatives on the WHO AFRO Task Force on Immunization (TFI). NAGI considers economic issues when making its recommendations, specifically the cost of the vaccine and the overall program as well as the program’s overall affordability and sustainability. The introduction of PCV and rotavirus vaccine, for example, was supported by cost-effectiveness data submitted to the Minister of Health. Similarly, the transition from
OPV + diphtheria–tetanus–whole cell pertussis–Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (DTP–HibCV) to pentavalent vaccine (DTPa–IPV + HibCV) was decided after it was costed. Formal economic evaluations are not carried out either by the DoH or NAGI. However, NAGI frequently supported by economic data from the research units of its members. These data are then submitted to the DoH. The committee may accept economic evaluations done internationally or regionally, as well as by manufacturers, but this has not been the case in the past. The DoH would need to consider affordability and sustainability
of new vaccines in addition to other programmatic needs. Since South Africa is classified by the World Bank as a category C country, it is not eligible 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase for selleck chemical GAVI funding and is therefore required to purchase all its vaccine needs. Although the country produced almost all of its bacterial and viral vaccines up until 30 years ago, it is now solely dependent on imported vaccines. The budget for vaccine purchase thus competes with other high priority health needs and economic and financial considerations necessarily play a pivotal role in deciding vaccine strategies. Nevertheless, the mandate of
NAGI from the DoH is to focus its recommendations on medical and epidemiological criteria rather than on economic considerations. Once NAGI decides upon its recommendations they are referred to the DoH for further steps. The committee itself does not have any decision-making powers since it is purely an advisory board appointed by the MoH. Its recommendations may influence the decision-making of the minister and the National Health Council representing the 9 provinces. NAGI recommendations are also considered by the EPI directorate to be elements strengthening the EPI program and to provide assistance in troubleshooting. The Government, however, is not obliged to implement NAGI suggestions, although it does so in over 75% of the cases. When it does not, this is often because of competing priorities associated in many cases with the cost of the vaccine. The Ministry of Finance provides the budget for implementing vaccine and immunization recommendations.