The K-profile parameterization of Large et al (1994) is used for

The K-profile parameterization of Large et al. (1994) is used for vertical mixing, Selleck Roxadustat with background coefficients of 10−4 m2 s−1 for viscosity and, for our control run, 0.1×10-40.1×10-4 m2 s−1 for diffusion (κbκb). Parameter κbκb is then altered in sensitivity experiments (see Section 2.2).

Surface forcing is determined from a monthly climatology of atmospheric variables from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Reanalysis (ERA-Interim, for the period of 1991–2000. These variables are used to compute surface turbulent and radiative fluxes for the ocean model by the bulk formulae of Large and Pond, 1981 and Large and Pond, 1982, according to which sea-surface heat flux and evaporation depend on sea-surface temperature. Our control experiment (CTL) is initialized with the January climatology of the GECCO reanalysis, and integrated for 40 years to reach a quasi-equilibrium state in the upper ocean. Each

of the subsequent experiments (CTL and sensitivity experiments) is then initialized with the year-40 state of CTL and integrated forward for an additional 20 years. In all the experiments, the ERA-interim and GECCO climatologies are repeatedly used for all model years. Unless stated otherwise, solutions discussed INK 128 solubility dmso in the text and shown in figures are taken from the final year of integration.

By this time, solutions are approaching equilibrium throughout the basin, particularly so near the equator. Table 1 lists the experiments we carry out. Experiment CTL is our control run in which κbκb is set everywhere to the default value κ0=0.1×10-4m2s-1. In experiment FB, κbκb is increased to κ0+Δκ=0.5×10-4m2s-1 throughout the basin. In the other experiments, κbκb is increased from κ0κ0 to κ0+Δκκ0+Δκ within specified subregions. As shown in Fig. 1, the regions are located in the eastern and western ocean, near the equator (EQE and EQW; equatorial regions), to either side of the equator (ENE, ENW, ESE, check and ESW; off-equatorial regions), and poleward of 8 °S°S or 8 °N°N (NE, NW, SE, and SW; tropical regions). Just inside the edges of each subregion, κbκb is ramped from κ0κ0 to κ0+Δκκ0+Δκ using cosine tapers of the form equation(1) r12(η)=(1±cosπη)/2,0⩽η⩽1,where ηη is a non-dimensional coordinate with a different form for each type of edge. According to (1), r1r1 decreases from 1 to 0 with ηη and vice versa for r2r2. Consider such a ramp just inside the eastern edge of a subregion and let x1x1 be the point where κbκb starts to decrease. Then, κbκb decreases from κ0+Δκκ0+Δκ to κ0κ0 across the ramp as equation(2) κb(x)=κ0+Δκr1x-x1Δx,x1⩽x⩽x1+Δx.Similarly, for the western edge of a subregion κbκb increases from κ0κ0 to κ0+Δκκ0+Δκ across the ramp as equation(3) κb(x)=κ0+Δκr2x-x2Δx,x2⩽x⩽x2+Δx.

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