The cost of deep-sea restoration will also be reduced through economies of scale (e.g., by increasing the area restored) and through development of specialized underwater tools, including task-optimized Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) that can operate off smaller, less costly vessels and a relatively low-cost, Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle (AUV) specialized for monitoring activities, and, possibly, through use of cabled observatories. Omipalisib molecular weight Costs may also be reduced through development plans that incorporate restoration activities occurring concurrent with the activity. This would work particularly well where similar assets are required for both activities (e.g. vessels, ROVs, AUVs, etc.). Principles and attributes of ecological restoration, originally formulated for terrestrial and coastal ecosystems [35] can be applied to the deep sea. While there are no human populations associated with the deep-sea environment, scientists, industry, NGOs, and citizens are among the stakeholders who value the deep sea in many different ways, and decisions to undertake deep-sea restoration programs will result from a mix of socioeconomic, ecological, and technological
factors. There has already been large-scale negative impact to some deep-sea ecosystems (e.g., deep-water corals, seamounts) with unknown effects on ecosystem resilience and delivery of ecosystem services. Where deleterious human impacts are extant or expected, restoration should be considered as part of an impact mitigation hierarchy [64] wherein restoration is financed and undertaken after all effort has been made to avoid and minimize impacts. The scope check details for unassisted restoration—sometimes called passive restoration—should be assessed for each type of deep-sea ecosystem; practices can be developed to facilitate this ‘natural’, relatively low-cost restoration approach. For restoration MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit to have a sustained effect, governance should be in place to protect restored areas against new damage. Deep-sea restoration will be expensive, but cost
alone should not be a reason for inaction. The multiple benefits of restoration should be considered in valuation and financing schemes and where restoration is prohibitively expensive or technically unfeasible, other actions such as offsetting can be considered. Neither restoration nor rehabilitation objectives (or commitments) should be taken as a ‘license to trash’. Restoration is often a long-term investment undertaken in the context of societal priorities, and requires many resources from a diverse portfolio of investors and participants. These resources include funds, time, and a willingness to tackle scientific and technological challenges. Realistic expectations should be set for deep-sea restoration goals. Thirty years after the emergence of ecological restoration as a scientific discipline and a realm of professional practice, there remain many obstacles [65] and misconceptions about what can be achieved [66].