PA and PM are PhD students in the group. Acknowledgements Regarding simulations with the finite element method, the collaboration with Frank Schmidt’s group from the Zuse-Institut Berlin is acknowledged. Funding from the Helmholtz-Association for Young Investigator groups within the Initiative this website and Networking fund (VH-NG-928) is greatly acknowledged. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Figure S1: Absorption cross section of a 120-nm radius Ag nanoparticle
with dielectric function according to a Drude fit: sum and allocation to different modes. (JPEG 1 MB) Additional file 2: Figure S2: Map of scattering cross section for a spherical dielectric nanoparticle with n = 2 and k = 0. (PNG 131 KB) Additional file 3: Figure S3: Maps of (a) scattering cross section and (b) scattering efficiency for a spherical nanoparticle from GZO semiconductor (refractive index data fitted with parameters from [27]). (TIFF
287 KB) Additional file 4: Figure S4: Scattering cross section of a Ag nanoparticle (fitted with Drude model) of r =120 nm in vacuum and when placed onto a substrate with n = 1.5. (JPEG 835 KB) References 1. Mie G: Beitrage zur Optik truber Medien, speziell kolloidaler Metallosungen. Annalen der Physik 1908,3(25):377– CrossRef 2. Walters G, Parkin IP: The incorporation of noble metal nanoparticles into host matrix thin films: synthesis, characterisation and applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009,19(5):574–590.CrossRef 3. Gu X, Qui T, Zhang W, Chu PK: Light-emitting diodes enhanced by localized surface plasmon resonance. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:199/1–199/12.CrossRef 4. Maier SA, Kik PG, Atwater HA,
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