Notably, Wang and co-workers observed that Au urchin-like

Notably, Wang and co-workers observed that Au urchin-like H 89 concentration shapes exhibit much greater SERS activity compared to that of Au microspheres [18]. Figure 2 HR-TEM images of freshly green-synthesized AuNPs. The scale bar represents (A) 100 nm, (B) 20 nm, (C) 5 nm, (D) 100 nm, (E) 20 nm, and (F) 5 nm. We hypothesized that the shells that surrounded the AuNPs in Figure 2 might be catechin playing a role as a capping and stabilizing agent. To test this hypothesis, catechin-AuNPs were stored at room temperature for 6 days. As illustrated in Figure 3, the shells all disappeared, and mostly BV-6 amorphous-shaped

AuNPs were observed; these AuNPs exhibited a tendency to aggregate. Thus, we concluded that the shells are catechins playing an essential role in stabilizing the colloidal AuNPs. Figure 3 HR-TEM images of 6-day-old AuNPs. The scale bar represents (A) 100 nm and (B) 20 nm. AFM and FE-SEM images The

AFM and FE-SEM images provide further information regarding the 3-D structures and topography of the nanostructures. The 3-D height AFM image in Figure 4A clearly shows that the AuNPs were successfully green-synthesized using catechin as a reducing agent. In the height image, the brighter color NPs possess greater heights. As mentioned previously in the HR-TEM section, BI 10773 the shells were also observed in the AFM images. In the 2-D and 3-D amplitude error images, the shells were clearly discernible from the AuNPs (Figures 4B,C). In

the 3-D phase images shown in Figure 4D, the light-yellow-colored AuNPs are surrounded by dark-purple-colored shells. The section analysis of lines a-b and c-d in Figure 4E is depicted in Figure 4F. The heights of randomly selected NPs were measured to be 8.26 to 10.33 nm. In addition, the average value of shell height was determined to be 2.99 nm. The FE-SEM images in which all of the Galactosylceramidase AuNPs possessed shells were consistent with the HR-TEM and AFM image analyses (Figure 5). Figure 4 AFM images. (A) 3-D height (10 μm × 10 μm), (B) 2-D amplitude error (500 nm × 500 nm), (C) 3-D amplitude error (500 nm × 500 nm), (D) 3-D phase (500 nm × 500 nm), (E) 2-D height (500 nm × 500 nm), and (F) section analysis of lines a-b and c-d in image (E). Figure 5 FE-SEM images. The magnifications of the images are (A) × 33,000, (B) × 150,000, and (C) × 160,000. XRD analysis The crystalline structure of metallic Au was confirmed by HR-XRD analysis (Figure 6). Intense diffraction peaks were observed at 38.2°, 44.3°, 64.5°, 77.7°, and 81.7°, corresponding to the (111), (200), (220), (311), and (222) planes, respectively, of face-centered cubic (fcc) Au. The predominant orientation was the (111) plane because the most intense peak appeared at 38.2°. The (200)/(111) intensity ratio was 0.32. When compared with the conventional bulk intensity ratio of 0.

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