johnsonii [GenBank: JF923644], and Enterococcus faecalis [GenBank

johnsonii [GenBank: JF923644], and Enterococcus faecalis [GenBank: JF923645]. Screening of the genome for SSR distribution The complete genomic sequence of L. johnsonii NCC 533, obtained from the NCBI database, was screened for perfect SSR (i.e., exact-repeat motifs) using the “SSR” computer program [37, 50], and for non-perfect SSR (NP-SSR, i.e. non-exact repeat motifs) using the “ATR Hunter” computer program ( http://​bioinfo.​cs.​technion.​ac.​il/​atrhunter/​ATRHunter.​htm[51]). Perfect SSR included Epigenetics inhibitor mononucleotide repeats (MNR) with longer than 5-bp repeats,

and large SSR with motif size ≥3 bp repeated more than twice. NP-SSR included only SSR with motif size ≥3 bp and minimal similarity between repeats of more than 70%. Locus and primer selection SSR loci: Eleven loci (Additional file 2: Primers and their annealing temperatures (Tm)) were chosen for the study, including ten SSR loci and one MNR locus. These regions exhibited no similarity to phage or prophage sequences. Unique primers were designed

to generate PCR products of 120 to 1650 bp using the Gene Runner software (version 3.05; Hastings Software Inc.). Each locus was tested for uniqueness in the L. johnsonii genome by using NCBI BLAST ( http://​www.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​sutils/​genom_​table.​cgi). Species-specific primers: L. johnsonii-specific primers were designed based on the 23 S rDNA sequences of a variety of lactobacilli available these at check details the NCBI database. The forward primer was designed such that the last nucleotide at the 3’ end of the primer was unique to L. johnsonii. The reverse primer was

designed based on a previously designed L. johnsonii-specific probe [52]. Species-specific PCR amplification (Tm = 51°C, Additional file 2: Primers and their annealing temperatures (Tm)) was performed directly on the colonies of the suspected L. johnsonii isolates. Conserved hypothetical genes: Three conserved hypothetical genes were chosen for the MLST from the JCVI CMR database ( http://​cmr.​jcvi.​org/​cgi-bin/​CMR/​CmrHomePage.​cgi) based on the genome sequence of L. johnsonii NCC 533. Gene choice was based on two criteria: (i) presence in other L. johnsonii strains, and (ii) a high number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) compared to the sequence of L. johnsonii ATCC 32000 in the NCBI database. Unique primers were designed to generate PCR products of 400 to 1200 bp (Additional file 2: Primers and their annealing temperatures (Tm)). Due to the non-amplification of products in a few strains, additional primer sets were designed for each of the genes (LJ0017_new, LJ_0648_new and LJ_1632_new) based on the sequences obtained for the rest of the isolates. PCR Each PCR mixture contained 0.2 mM deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 0.4 μM forward and reverse primers, 0.02 U/μl of Taq polymerase (SuperNova, JMR Holding, Kent, England), 1× reaction buffer (containing 1.

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