It is predicted, based on modelling, that in the United Kingdom (

It is predicted, based on modelling, that in the United Kingdom (UK) HPV vaccination of 12 year old girls is likely to prevent 40–80% of cervical cancers after 60 years and be cost-effective [8] and [9]. The initial impact of the programme should be to reduce HPV 16 and 18 infection prevalence in young women and the extent of this fall should help to better VE-821 clinical trial predict the later impact on pre-cancerous disease and cervical cancer. Measuring the impact of vaccination on HPV infection prevalence in young sexually active women is a feasible near-term endpoint

for HPV immunisation monitoring [10]. Additionally, evaluating the impact of HPV 16/18 immunisation on other high-risk HPV types, particularly any cross-protection against

closely related types, will be important to inform potential changes to vaccine policy and cervical screening strategies. Here, we report on genital HPV type-specific DNA prevalence, by age, in three samples of the under 25 years, sexually active, female population, in England, prior to mass HPV immunisation. These data provide baseline HPV prevalence estimates from unvaccinated women in the pre-immunisation period, against which changes in the post-immunisation period can be Bcl-2 inhibitor clinical trial measured. Residual vulva-vaginal swab (VVS) samples from women undergoing chlamydia testing were collected from five National Health Service (NHS) pathology laboratories conducting testing for the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) and from an archive of samples collected as part of the Prevention of Pelvic Infection (POPI) randomised controlled trial of chlamydia screening [11]. Laboratories were invited to participate based on the number of

NCSP VVS samples processed and the population served, in order found to meet our target study size with a geographically widespread sample. Participating laboratories submitted anonymous residual samples to the Health Protection Agency (HPA) from January 2008 to September 2008. Routine (unfrozen) screening samples (i.e. not those identifiable as diagnostic, symptomatic or partner notification tests) from women aged under 25 years, collected from three NCSP recruitment venue types (general practice, youth clinics and family planning clinics) were eligible for inclusion. For each sample, age, year of birth, ethnicity, gender, recruitment venue, reason for test, date of sample collection, chlamydia test result, and whether they reported a new sexual partner in the previous three months (termed new sexual partner for brevity) and two or more sexual partners in the previous 12 months (termed multiple sexual partners for brevity) were obtained from the NCSP dataset.

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