Interestingly, the peptide showed significant increase in antimic

Interestingly, the peptide showed significant increase in antimicrobial activity when it was tested upon incubation with DTT (Figure 5a). The increase in activity was observed

with the increase in DTT concentration up to 150 mM (Table 2). However, peptide incubated with H2O2 did not show any antimicrobial activity confirming the inactivation of LMW peptide upon oxidation. Results of control DTT experiments showed no effect on the growth of indicator strains. Table 2 Influence of different pH values and DTT concentrations on antimicrobial activity of the LMW peptide produced by P. pentosaceus strain IE-3 Treatments Reaction condition Residual activity (%) pH     2 Overnight/ RT 100.0 3 Overnight/ RT 100.0 4 Overnight/ RT 100.0 5 Overnight/ RT 100.0 6 Overnight/ RT 87.5 7 Overnight/ RT 75.0 8 Overnight/ RT click here 37.5 9 Overnight/ RT 25.0 10 Overnight/ RT 12.5 DTT concentration  

  0 mM 1 h/RT 100.0 50 mM 1 h/RT 125.0 100 mM 1 h/RT 143.7 150 mM 1 h/RT 143.7 RT, room temperature. Figure 5 Antimicrobial activity assay of native and DTT (100 mM) treated LMW peptides against Gram-positive and Gram-negative (I, B. subtilis ; II, L. monocytogenes ; III, E. coli ; IV, P. aeruginosa and V, V. cholera ) indicator strains (a). Comparison of MIC values against various test strains (b). Standard deviation (SD) is shown as error bars; significant difference between DTT treatment and control with p < 0.05 was observed in two independent experiments performed in triplicates. Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration of the LMW peptide Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for various indicator organisms revealed that the peptide was most active against M. luteus of Gram-positive strains with an MIC value of 6.3 μM. Among the Gram-negative strains, V. cholera growth was inhibited at 25.4 μM concentration. The MIC values observed for the peptide were higher when compared to other pediocin-like bacteriocins, however, MIC Selleck RG7420 determined for peptide treated

with DTT were found to be significantly lower than the native peptide (Figure 5b). Again, M. luteus, L. monocytogenes and V. cholera were observed as the most sensitive, however, test strains like B. subtilis and E. coli were inhibited more efficiently with the DTT treated peptide compared to native peptide. Hemolysis of rabbit RBCs was not observed at concentrations up to 100 μM of peptide. Conclusions Although production of LMW antimicrobial peptides from different I-BET-762 cost bacteria was reported in the literature, no peptide of less than 2.5 kDa was reported from Pediococcus species. Pediocin-like bacteriocins are produced by the pediocin biosynthetic gene cluster pedABCD that are highly conserved among Pediococcus strains, however, strains like P. acidilactici did not produce any antimicrobial substance though it contained pediocin biosynthetic gene cluster.

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