Finally, we rescued the increase of ROS in tumor cells with lipoic acid or N-acetyl-L-cysteine and found
that the apoptosis rate decreased. Our studies suggest that the increase of mtDNA copy number is a self-protective mechanism of tumor cells to prevent apoptosis and that reduced IKK inhibitor mtDNA copy number increases ROS levels in tumor cells, increases the tumor cells’ sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs, and increases the rate of apoptosis. This research provides evidence that mtDNA copy number variation might be a promising new therapeutic target for the clinical treatment of tumors.”
“The proline-rich N-terminal domain of gamma-zein has been reported in relevant process, which include its ability to cross the cell membranes. Evidences indicate that synthetic hexapeptide (PPPVHL), naturally found in N-terminal portion of gamma-zein, can adopt the polyproline II (PPII) conformation in aqueous solution. The secondary structure of gamma-zein in maize protein bodies had been analyzed by solid state Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. However, it was not possible to measure PPII content in physiological environment since the WH-4-023 molecular weight beta-sheet and PPII signals overlap in both solid state techniques. Here, the secondary structure of gamma-zein has been analyzed by circular dichroism in SDS aqueous solution
with and without ditiothreitol (DTT), and in 60% of 2-propanol and water with
DTT The results show that gamma-zein has high helical content in all solutions. The PPII conformation was present at about 7% only in water/DTT solution. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“This article describes an iterative method (IM) for improving protein-ligand-binding residue prediction. Through modifying the binding residue definition in every iteration, this method, step by step, increased the performance of the classifiers used. Using a balanced assessment index (BAI), the classifier optimized by the IM achieved a value of 80.4 that is bigger than the one (66.9) of the initial classifier. According to mean per-instance BAI scores, a direct comparison of methods has been carried out along with an analysis of statistical significance PD98059 in vitro of the differences in performance. The results show that the iterative method (IM) does achieve a higher mean score than the threshold-altering method (TAM) used in our previous study and there is a statistically significant difference between the two methods. The IM has a significant advantage that it is independent of the concrete residue characterization models and learning algorithms, and more extensively applicable. These results indicate that optimizing the binding residue definition is also an effective approach to improve protein-ligand-binding residue prediction. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.