Figure 6 shows an image of the various SIPP preparations after sitting on the lab bench at room temperature for
1 week. The SIPPs made with the carbon-12 chain DDA fell out of the solution and were not stable. Similarly, the particles made with the carbon-14 chain TDA that were allowed to reflux for 60 min also fell out of solution in under 1 week at room temperature. Interestingly, the TDA-SIPPs that were only allowed Ixazomib supplier to reflux for 30 min did not fall out of solution and were stable in solution at room temperature, as were all of the other particles prepared with ODA and HDA. All of the particles except the DDA-SIPPs and the 60-min refluxed TDA-SIPPs remained in solution for at least 3 months at room temperature, at which point we had used all of the samples. Figure 6 Stability of SIPPs. Suspensions of SIPPs synthesized using ODA (A), HDA (B), TDA (C), and DDA (D) and allowed to reflux for either 30 or 60 min (left and right vials, respectively). Images were taken 1 week post-synthesis. Upon fully characterizing the structural properties of the SIPPs, we aimed to measure the magnetic characteristics of the synthesized particles next. We used SQUID magnetometry to measure the saturation magnetization and blocking
temperatures of each preparation of SIPPs. Figure 7 shows the hysteresis curves for each SIPP sample, as well as the ZFC/field-cooled (FC) curves. All of the samples had blocking temperature below room temperature, indicating Selleck GSI-IX that all of the particles are superparamagnetic. All of the samples had very high effective anisotropies and also had high mass magnetization between 71 A m2/kg iron and 123 A m2/kg iron. The highest saturation magnetization was measured for the carbon-14 TDA-SIPPs that were allowed to reflux for 30 min (123.39 A m2/kg iron). The magnetic characteristics eltoprazine are listed and compared in Table 2. Figure 7 Magnetic characteristics of SIPPs. Aliquots (100 μL) of ODA-SIPPs (A, B), HDA-SIPPs (C, D), TDA-SIPPs (E, F), and DDA-SIPPs (G, H) were dried on Qtips® and measured using SQUID magnetometry.
Hysteresis curves (M vs. H) are shown for SIPPs synthesized using either a 30-min (A, C, E, G) or 60-min (B, D, F, H) reflux time. The negative slope seen at high field is due to a diamagnetic contribution for the organic molecules (solvent and ligands). Insets show the ZFC (dashed line) and FC (solid line) curves for each of the SIPPs. Table 2 Magnetic characterization of SIPPs Chain length Reflux time (min) Blocking temperature (K) Saturation magnetization (A m 2/kg iron) Effective anisotropy (J/m 3) 18 30 255 101.93 4.5 × 104 18 60 140 105.79 2.5 × 105 16 30 190 90.79 3.9 × 105 16 60 170 101.96 8.2 × 105 14 30 100 123.39 1.7 × 105 14 60 80 95.53 2.3 × 105 12 30 110 110.24 1.5 × 105 12 60 80 71.11 1.