Benoit St-Pierre, Department of Animal Science, University of

Benoit St-Pierre, Department of Animal Science, University of CAL-101 cost Vermont, for technical advice; the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department for their help in sample collection logistics; and Terry Clifford, Archie Foster, Lenny Crenigacestat Gerardi, Ralph Loomis, Beth and John Mayer, and Rob Whitcomb for collection of samples. Electronic supplementary material Additional

file 1: Table S1. Genus/Identifier and GenBank # of sequences in selected families, found in all rumen samples (n = 8), sequences are non-exclusive to the rumen. (DOCX 22 KB) Additional file 2: Table S2. Genus/Identifier and GenBank # of sequences in selected families, found in all colon samples (n = 6), sequences are non-exclusive to the colon. (DOCX 22 KB) References 1. Schwartz CC, Regelin WL, Franzmann AW: Estimates of digestibility of Birch, Willow, and Aspen mixtures in moose. J Wildl Manage 1988, 52:33–37.CrossRef 2. Routledge RG, Roese J: Moose winter diet selection in central Ontario. Alces 2004, 40:95–101. 3. Belovsky GE: Food plant selection by a generalist herbivore: the moose. Ecology 1981, 64:1020–1030.CrossRef 4. Belovsky GE, Jordan PA: Sodium dynamics and adaptations of a moose population. J Mammal 1981, 62:613–621.CrossRef 5. Alexander CE: The status and management of moose in Vermont. Alces 1993, 29:187–195. 6. Koitzsch KB: Application of a moose habitat suitability index model to Vermont wildlife

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