Anatomic variants in dextrocardia are important from the surgical viewpoint due to the increasing population of patients with repaired selleck inhibitor congenital heart disease who reach adulthood, and in whom other cardiac defects and abnormalities of cardiac position are common. (Tex Heart Inst J 2010;37(6): 633-40)”
“Infections caused by Toxoplasma gondii are frequently asymptomatic in healthy adults, however they may be serious in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients. The aims of this study were to investigate the rates of seropositivity and seroconversion in pregnant women and newborn cord blood samples, and to evaluate those data in
the view of relation to lifestyle and nutrition. A total of 312 pregnant women (mean age: ACY-738 supplier 28.1 +/- 5.2 years) who were admitted to and followed by gynecology clinics of Inonu University Medical School Hospital, Malatya, Turkey were included in this observational and cross-sectional study. Anti-toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies in pregnants and newborn cord sera were screened by commercial ELISA and immunofluorescence antibody (BioTek; USA) methods. A total of 312 sera from pregnant
women and 312 cord blood samples during delivery were collected. IgG seropositivity rate in pregnants was found as 37.5% (117/312), seroconversion was not determined in restrained pregnants and T.gondii IgM was found negative in all pregnants. Also in all newborns IgM was negative and IgG seropositivity was determined as 33.3% (104/312) in cord blood. There was a statistically significant relationship between Staurosporine mw IgG seropositivity and raw meat consumption (p<0.001) and being engaged in agriculture (p<0.005). It was
concluded that toxoplasma antibodies should routinely be searched on the first visit of the pregnants and the seronegative cases should be trained about the preventive measures related to toxoplasmosis. The follow-up of toxoplasma seronegative cases during pregnancy can be achieved by only detecting the IgM class antibodies and this will also reduce the cost of screen test.”
“I was born in China and would have remained there but for the tumultuous events that led many of my generation to the United States for graduate studies. Norman Davidson introduced me to DNA when I became a postdoctoral fellow in his group at the California Institute of Technology in 1964, and a fortuitous conversation there ignited my interest in DNA ring formation, which later led me to study different topological forms of DNA rings-catenanes, knots, and supercoils. In 1968, a chance observation led me to identify a new enzyme capable of converting one DNA ring form to another, an enzyme now known as a DNA topoisomerase. My interest in DNA rings and DNA topoisomerases continued throughout my years at the University of California, Berkeley, and Harvard.