A number of studies have shown that the limb-inducing signal orig

A number of studies have shown that the limb-inducing signal originates in the axial mesoderm and is relayed from there to the LPM. In mouse, chick, and zebrafish, this signal is thought to be retinoic acid (RA), the bulk of which is synthesized by retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type2 (RALDH2) in early somites and the LPM.8–15 With respect to downstream effectors,

molecular studies have clearly shown that RA signaling from the zebrafish somitic mesoderm leads to the expression of the wnt2ba gene check details in the intermediate mesoderm, which then signals to the LPM and triggers tbx5 expression. Tbx5 is required for Fgf signaling in the fin bud that leads to prdm1 expression, which in turn triggers fgf10 and bmp2b expression.7, 16 In contrast, the identity of an initial hepatic inducer in vertebrates has yet to be validated genetically. In the first report to isolate a single gene regulating vertebrate liver Vadimezan in vivo specification, Ober et al.17 characterized an interesting zebrafish mutant called prometheus (prt). In prt embryos, the liver is absent or greatly reduced in size at 50 hours post-fertilization but may start to develop and “catch up” to normal size at a later stage. Positional cloning and further analysis revealed that the prt mutation

altered the wnt2bb gene (the second wnt2b gene) and that prt/wnt2bb was expressed in restricted bilateral domains in the LPM directly adjacent to the liver-forming endoderm. Subsequently, Shin et al.18 reported that Fgf and Bmp signaling pathways play important roles in zebrafish liver specification and raised the possibility that these molecules act downstream of Wnt2bb. However, the molecules that act upstream of Wnt2bb during liver specification 上海皓元 remain to be identified. In this study, we carried

out a detailed characterization of our medaka hio mutants, whose signature phenotypes are a small liver and no pectoral fins. Our results define hio as a missense mutation of the raldh2 gene, the expression of which likely results in a nonfunctional RALDH2 protein that cannot support fin development. We also show that the hio mutation causes a retardation of liver budding that resembles that observed in zebrafish prt mutants, and that wnt2bb expression is undetectable in hio LPM. Our data suggest that the role of RA signaling in the specification of both liver and fins is to induce expression of wnt2b family genes. AP, anteroposterior; atRA, all-trans retinoic acid; ck19, cytokeratin19; cp, ceruloplasmin; E, embryonic day; hio, hiohgi; LPM, lateral plate mesoderm; MO, Morpholino; mRNA, messenger RNA; nls, neckless; nof, no-fin; PED6, N-([6-(2,4-dinitro-phenyl)amino]hexanoyl)-1-palmitoyl-2-BODIPY-FL-pentanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine; prt, prometheus; RA, retinoic acid; RALDH2, Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type2. Medaka were raised and maintained under standard laboratory conditions at approximately 27°C.

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