9A and C from the present data set obtained before SC inactivation). Despite this difference between the two monkeys, we found that SC inactivation again strongly disrupted microsaccade directions in monkey J during the attention task. Moreover, such disruption was consistent with a repulsion of microsaccades away from the inactivated region, as we observed in monkey M. To illustrate this, Fig. 9A and B plots the results from monkey J for the pre-injection (A) and post-injection (B) cases when the cue was placed in the affected region of SC inactivation, and Fig. 9C and D shows the results for when the foil was in the affected region. As just
mentioned, DAPT in vivo pre-injection data in this monkey revealed that the initial cue-induced bias in microsaccade directions was first towards the foil (Fig. 9A and C, red curve) and then towards
the cue (Fig. 9A and C, blue curve). During SC inactivation and when the cue was in the affected region, this modulation was again abolished (Fig. 9B, left, blue curve); there was instead a strong and rapid (~140 ms after cue onset) initial bias away from the cued location (red arrow) and an check details increase in movements towards neither the cue nor foil (Fig. 9B, right, black curve). This initial bias away from the cued location and towards neither location occurred ~110 ms earlier than the earliest directional modulation peak observed in any direction without SC inactivation in this monkey (referenced by the magenta lines). When the foil was in the affected region (Fig. 9D), microsaccade directions were very similar to those in the pre-injection case (Fig. 9C), as in monkey M, except that there was again a strong and rapid (~110 ms) bias away from the affected region, which, in this
case, corresponded to the foil location (Fig. 9D, middle, red arrow). In addition, unlike monkey M, monkey J showed stronger repulsion away from the affected region to the ‘neither’ stimulus locations than towards the diametrically opposite stimulus location, and he did so for both cue and foil in the affected region. Thus, the net effect of SC inactivation in this monkey Methamphetamine was to reduce movements towards the affected region in favor of movements away from it (in this case, including the ‘neither’ locations, and not just the diametrically opposite location, as was the case in monkey M). The directional time course analyses of Figs 8 and 9 also revealed that, in both monkeys, microsaccades at other times relative to cue onset could still be directed towards the affected region of space after SC inactivation. In particular, microsaccades with longer latencies after cue onset, when the expected effects of attention shifts would have subsided, were not impaired. For example, as shown in in Fig.