73); likewise, the clusters obtained with the Type 2 textures and coast-to-starboard orientation (in fact, all of them are above 0.80) and coast-to-port orientation (except for branch b21 of A Cova, with a J-value of 0.71). These are the most statistically stable dendrograms. Another this website way of assessing the statistical stability of the clusters, and thus the significance of the classification, is to test how dependent it is on the acoustic sampling conditions (given by the vessel speed and the ping rate). A numerical experiment, repeating the statistical analysis by taking one ping from every 2, 4 or 8, was performed. The results of
the stability analyses are summarised in Table 2. The original labels of the dendrogram are retained, even though part of the branching structure changes (and is sometimes lost), in view of the number of segments that a cluster has
Sunitinib order in common with the original dendrogram. The Type 1 coast-to-port and the Type 2 coast-to-starboard dendrograms are the most stable under this resampling. A similar effect is observed when the segments are reduced to one eighth of a transect or less, and the number of segment mixtures increases and the cluster stability decreases. Thus, having a larger number of contiguous pings is crucial to obtaining a stable segment classification. From the point of view of the physical information in the acoustic signal, the Type 1 features should be less affected by acquisition conditions, such as pitch and roll motions, as they are computed along single pings. Besides, the Type 2 features would capture the variations caused by the advance of the split-beam transducer above the Ribonucleotide reductase bottom inhomogeneities between consecutive pings. Type 1 textures distribute
segments among their corresponding sandbars, including the case when one of these sandbars is first divided into two subclusters (as in the case of Aguete, which is the one with the most heterogeneous razor clam densities). The Type 2 texture classification requires a larger number of classes to provide a classification distributing the segments among their sandbars, and also divides one of the homogeneous sandbars (A Cova) into two groups (coast-to-starboard). Thus, despite being as statistically stable as the Type 1 classification, it does not reflect as coherently the groundtruthing characteristics. The classification groups together segments with similar razor clam densities. However, it is difficult to estimate the minimum density the method is capable of discriminating. For the surveyed razor clam beds, the most robust classifications (according to Jaccard’s value criterion) can differentiate between 116 indiv. m− 2 and 60 indiv. m− 2 Aguete, and in most cases, between the 124 indiv. m− 2 in Raxó and the 116 indiv. m− 2 in Aguete. However, the method includes in the same class the 124 and the 164 indiv.