, 2012), and thus may be less sensitive to fluctuations in R∗ lif

, 2012), and thus may be less sensitive to fluctuations in R∗ lifetime than the peak amplitude (see also the discussion in Hamer et al., 2003). It has been claimed that the diffusion

Apoptosis Compound Library screening of cGMP and/or of calcium plays a central role in SPR reproducibility, acting as a “variability suppressor” (Bisegna et al., 2008; Caruso et al., 2010; Shen et al., 2010; Caruso et al., 2011). In WT rods, the experimentally determined longitudinal diffusion coefficient for cGMP (Gross et al., 2012) is large enough that the maximal decrease in cGMP concentration is small (∼15%) even when R∗ deactivation is slowed ∼2-fold (Figure 2). Thus, the limited diffusion of cGMP does not contribute to reduction of SPR amplitude variability through saturating local channel closure. Furthermore, the spatial profile of calcium is not determined by the diffusion coefficient of calcium, but rather by the spatial profile of cGMP, which

governs calcium influx (Gross et al., 2012). However, the fall in cGMP can reduce the rate of cGMP hydrolysis in the absence of GCAPs-mediated PLX-4720 in vivo feedback (compare gray and colored traces in Figure 5A), producing compression of PDE activity relative to R∗ lifetime, as noted above. In this sense, the local fall in cGMP tends to self-limit the PDE activity, a phenomenon that can contribute to SPR reproducibility (“cGMP hydrolysis saturation effects”; Caruso et al., all 2011). With the lifetimes of R∗ and G∗-E∗ measured from the ΔTsat data ( Figures 1 and 3; Table 1), a remarkably accurate account can be given of the SPRs of rods with genetic manipulations of R∗ deactivation, both with and without calcium feedback to cGMP synthesis ( Figures 4A and 4B). The diffusion of cGMP is sufficiently rapid to insure maximal amplification ( Gross et al., 2012), while the delayed decline in calcium drives cGMP synthesis more strongly for longer R∗ lifetimes ( Figure 5) in rods with normal

GCAPs expression. As a consequence, the amplitude of the mean SPR is stabilized against genetic perturbations to R∗ lifetime ( Figure 4), and the trial-to-trial SPR amplitude is more reproducible in rods with functional calcium feedback ( Figure 6). In general, then, these results reveal how a fast feedback mechanism, operating at a downstream stage in a GPCR cascade, can sharpen the timing of a signal and reduce its variability while maintaining high signal amplification. Mice were cared for and handled following an approved protocol from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of California, Davis and in compliance with the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the care and use of experimental animals. Mice were reared in 12 hr cyclic lighting conditions and euthanized by CO2 narcosis followed by decapitation. All mice were between 1 and 6 months of age when used for experiments.

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