2005; Terreehorst et al. 2004). The
results of SF-36 are compared to the Swedish GS-1101 clinical trial norms (Sullivan and Karlsson 1998). However, these are from 1991–1992 and may not be fully relevant due to changes in the society. Thus, our comparisons to these norms should not be over interpreted. Diary and inflammatory markers The clinical picture differed between the symptomatic hairdressers and the pollen allergic women. The hairdressers reported less symptoms from the eyes and more nasal blockage than the atopics, who had more itching, sneezing and secretion. The mechanism of the hairdressers’ symptoms is not clear. The meaning of specific IgE against persulphates in the mechanism of hairdressers’ nasal symptoms and also the use of skin prick testing in the diagnostics are controversial. We did not in an earlier study (Kronholm https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ferrostatin-1-fer-1.html Diab et al. 2009) find specific antibodies using immunoblotting, and neither did we find any positive skin prick tests in that study, nor in the present one. Thus, the hairdressers’ nasal symptoms may not be elicited through an IgE-mediated reaction to persulphates contrary to the symptoms
in the pollen allergic group. Of course, IgE-mediated reactions could be elicited by other agents in the hairdressers salons, and in fact Hollund et al. (2002) found increased levels of total IgE in highly exposed hairdressers, but not after adjustment for age, atopy and smoking. Sensitization to latex was found by Hollund et al. (2002) and Leino et al. (1998) in some hairdressers, but the latter concluded that sensitization to agents other than persulphates is not common among hairdressers. The present hairdressers did not use latex gloves. Furthermore, in another study of nasal symptoms associated with
exposure to organic acid anhydrides, those subjects who were not IgE sensitized to the anhydrides complained of nasal congestion and the sensitized ones of nasal secretion and sneezing (Nielsen et al. 2006). Thus, the difference in the clinical picture in hairdressers and in pollen allergic women may be due to different mechanisms. The group of symptomatic hairdressers showed a slight but stable increase in nasal symptoms during the study period with transient decreases during days off. Furthermore, the increase in ECP during the study period indicated however a progressive effect on the nasal mucosa from exposure. In the pollen allergic group, the symptoms varied during the observation period probably due to the level of exposure but the ECP level in nasal lavage increased. The reactivity to potassium persulphate in the nasal challenge test did not increase during the observation period in the symptomatic hairdressers all together. Looking at the sub-groups of those having an increase in nasal symptoms at the first challenge or not, neither of the sub-groups had a significant increase in nasal symptoms at the challenge after 4 weeks of work.