2). The levels of nirK mRNA were only significantly increased in N. europaea with either 10 or 20 mM NaNO2, although the increase was short lived (Fig. 3). Similar trends in gene expression were observed for N. europaea and N. eutropha grown in phosphate-buffered medium, although norS mRNA levels decreased less than twofold relative to IWR-1 in vivo the no nitrite control (data not shown). No significant differences were found in the hybridization intensities of mRNA extracted from cells immediately harvested from culture vs. those taken at t=0 from the short-term incubations, indicating no immediate effects from
resuspending cells into a fresh medium with or without NaNO2 amendment (data not shown). The nonuniformity of the physiological and transcriptional responses of these three AOB to relatively high nitrite concentrations demonstrates that each strain, even those as closely related as
N. europaea and N. eutropha, has a different ability and mechanism to tolerate the major end product of their metabolism. Therefore, the effects of nitrite on N. europaea found in this and prior studies cannot be universalized to other AOB. Previous studies of N. europaea have shown that the expression of amoA is regulated primarily by the availability click here of NH3 (Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1996) and O2 (Yu & Chandran, 2010). However, exponential-phase N. europaea showed decreased amoA mRNA levels when grown in batch cultures supplemented with nitrite (Yu & Chandran, 2010), although this particular study involved a longer time course and supplementation of media with nitrite before inoculating cells for growth experiments, likely exposing them to a higher overall nitrite load than in the present study. In the present study, there was no acute effect of nitrite on amoA mRNA levels
in either Nitrosomonas strain, only in N. multiformis (Fig. Tryptophan synthase 1). The decrease in amoA mRNA did not translate to a significant decrease in the nitrite production rate of N. multiformis (Table 1). Similarly, the unchanged amoA mRNA levels in N. eutropha did not correlate with its decreased nitrite production rate. Thus, the expression of amoA did not correlate to ammonia-oxidizing activity in any of the AOB, at least in these short-term incubations. These observations indicate that caution must be exercised when using absolute amoA gene expression as a proxy for acute rates of ammonia-oxidizing activity. Of the two genes encoding nitric oxide reductase, norB and norS, only the levels of norS mRNA in the two Nitrosomonas spp. were significantly decreased in incubations with nitrite supplementation (Fig. 2). A prior study showed upregulation of norS in NirK-deficient N. europaea under conditions where hydroxylamine conversion to nitrous oxide was highly favored (Cho et al., 2006; Cantera & Stein, 2007b).