022m A colour camera recorded depth integrated images at 25 fram

022m. A colour camera recorded depth integrated images at 25 frames this website per second which were then time averaged over a period of 7 s. Fig. 4a shows an image of a jet containing passive dye and provides information about the depth integrated and time averaged dye concentration CDI(x,y)CDI(x,y). An inverse Abel transformation (Abel, 1826) was performed to reconstruct the axisymmetric form of the dye concentration through the jet using equation(17) C‾(x,z)=-1π∫r∞dC‾DIdmdmm2-r2.Fig. 4b shows the reconstructed concentration profile.

It has been known that the time averaged concentration field C‾ across the jet is approximately Gaussian (e.g. Morton et al. (1956), etc.) i.e. equation(18) C‾=C‾01+(2αy/b0)exp-λx2b2. The dilution at any location in the jet D(x,y)D(x,y) can be estimate by relating the centre line concentration C   to the value at the nozzle C0C0 and radius b   to the value that captures 95% of the jet fluid giving λ=log(1/0.05)≃3λ=log(1/0.05)≃3. This relationship can, therefore, be expressed as equation(19)

Djet=C‾0C‾-1. Fig. 4c shows variation of the centre line jet concentration with jet radius, confirming (9a). The depth integrated concentration is related to the concentration profile equation(20) D(x,y)=1+2αyb0exp3x2(b0+2αy)2-1. Fig. 4d confirms (20) a rapid increase selleck screening library in dilution as we move away from the centre line, the expression for the solid line is equation(21) DjetD=exp-λx2b2. The chemical properties of seawater are usually characterised in terms of alkalinity and pH. The total seawater alkalinity in a sample is defined as the number of hydrogen ion moles equivalent to the excess of proton acceptors; physically it is the concentration of a strong monoprotic acid Ca0 (of equal volume to the seawater sample). The chemistry is complicated

because many of the alkaline salts are sparingly soluble in water. The pH of a strong alkaline solution is sensitive DOK2 to the alkaline salt concentration but for a weak alkaline solution, the salt dissociativity KbKb must be taken into account. A typical weak alkali, sodium carbonate, has Kb=10-4.67mol2/l2 while the KbKb for a strong alkali is greater than unity. The pH of a solution is defined in terms of the molar concentration of pH=-log10[H+]pH=-log10[H+]. For an acid reacting with an alkali, the hydrogen ion concentration is equation(22) [H+]=Ca0-DCb01+D. A neutral pH is temperature dependant and varies from pH = 7.47 at 0 °C, pH  = 7 at 25 °C and pH = 6.92 at 30 °C. The effect of adding an alkali (e.g.   seawater) to the acidic solution decreases the hydrogen ion concentration (i.e.   increase the pH). The point of neutralisation is determined by chemistry alone (i.e.   DN=Ca0/Cb0) but the process of reaching the point of neutralisation is determined both by chemistry, the numerator of (22), and dilution, the denominator of (22). To understand how the pH of acidified seawater varies as it is gradually diluted with seawater, a series of titration experiments were undertaken.

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