P < 0.001) but not day (df = 4, F = 0.2, P = 0.91). However a Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test revealed that only the DMSO-treated cells, which were expected to show reduced viability, differed significantly from control cells (P < 0.05), while none of the dsRNA/siRNA treated cells differed from controls (P > 0.05). Figure 4 Proportion of viable cells (absorbance of individual wells divided by mean absorbance of control wells) in cells treated with media only (cells), 8% DMSO, or dsRNA/siRNAs targeting Ago-1, Ago-2, Dcr-1 or Dcr-2. Only DMSO significantly affected cell viability. DENV replication following knockdown of RNAi genes To test whether the RNAi response has an effect on DENV replication in S2 cells, four components of the RNAi pathway (Dcr-1, Dcr-2, Ago-1 and Ago-2) were individually depleted via knockdown with an appropriate dsRNA or siRNA. The efficacy of depletion Inflammation inhibitor of each enzyme was confirmed Poziotinib cell line using Western blot analysis (Figure 5). Dcr-1 levels were depleted for six days following treatment, but unlike the other three treatments there were no days on which Dcr-1 expression was undetectable. Dcr-2 expression was undetectable until day three post-treatment
and showed steady recuperation thereafter. Ago-1 expression was undetectable through day five post-treatment. Ago-2 expression was undetectable until day three post-treatment and rebounded on day four. To prevent recovery of expression,
all infected cell knockdowns were re-fed dsRNA/siRNA on day three post initial dsRNA/siRNA treatment. Figure 5 Knock down of specific enzymes of the RNAi pathway. Immunoblot of: A- Dcr-1 dsRNA-treated S2 cells detected with Dcr-1 antibody. B- Dcr-2 dsRNA-treated Abiraterone cell line S2 cells detected with Dcr-2 antibody. C- Ago-1 dsRNA-treated S2 cells detected with Ago-1 antibody. D- Ago-2 siRNA treated-S2 cells detected with Ago-2 antibody. E – H: Actin expression for samples of A, B, C and D as an equal loading control. As shown in Figure 6, all 12 DENV strains tested achieved significantly higher titers (usually a 100-fold increase) in cells depleted of Dcr-2 relative to control cells (paired t-test, df = 11, P < 0.0001). The 12 DENV strains attained similar titers in cells treated with a control dsRNA treatment as compared to untreated cells. Moreover, there was no significant difference among serotypes in the impact of Dcr-2 knockdown, measured as the difference in titer for a particular replicate virus in knockdown cells versus control cells (ANOVA, df = 3, F = 1.04, P = 0.41). In contrast, variation in the impact of RNAi knockdown on the three DENV strains within serotypes was detected using factorial ANOVAs for each serotype; when significant differences were detected, a Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test was used to determine which strains showed significant differences in response to knockdown.