By choosing the wavelengths at 274 to 278 nm, the first new produ

By choosing the wavelengths at 274 to 278 nm, the first new products (products 1, 3, 5, and CCI-779 6) were observed

with the retention time of 6.658 min (Figure 1A), 4.367 min (Figure 1C), 3.705 min (Figure 1E), and 7.152 min (Figure 1F). The second new products (products 2 and 4) displayed simultaneous ultraviolet absorbance at 231 to 236 nm, 262 to 263 nm, and 391 to 394 nm with the retention time of 12.351 min (Figure 1B) and 8.519 min (Figure 1D). The first new product did not show any fluorescence, while the second new product showed a stable lipofuscin-like blue (excitation wavelength (Ex) 392 to 395 nm/emission wavelength (Em) 456 to 460 nm) fluorescence. The UV absorption maxima and fluorescence Ex/Em values of MDA, amino acids, and different products are shown in Table 1. These observations suggest that taurine or GABA reacts rapidly with MDA; in comparison, the reaction of Glu or Asp with MDA is difficult under supraphysiological conditions. Figure 1 LY2606368 chemical structure Principal reaction products. Taurine + MDA, GABA + MDA, Glu + MDA, and Asp + learn more MDA separated by HPLC analysis. Taurine, GABA, Glu, and Asp (5.0 mM) were incubated with MDA (5.0 mM) in 0.2 mM PBS (pH 7.4) at 37°C for 24 h. The principal reaction products of taurine + MDA separated by HPLC analysis were observed at 278 (A) and 391 nm (B). The principal reaction products of GABA + MDA separated by HPLC analysis were observed at 278 (C)

and 391 nm (D). The principal reaction products of Glu + MDA and Asp + MDA separated by HPLC analysis were observed at 278 (E) and 278 nm (F). Table 1 UV absorption maxima and fluorescence Ex/Em values Compound UV absorption maxima (nm) Fluorescence

Ex/Em (nm) MDA 245 No Taurine No No GABA No No Glu No No Asp No No Product 1 278 No Product 2 236, 263, 391 392/456 Product 3 274 No Product 4 231, 262, 394 395/458 Product 5 276 No Product 6 276 No Values of the starting materials and products observed by incubation of taurine + MDA, GABA + MDA, Glu + MDA, and Asp + Interleukin-3 receptor MDA for 48 h. Identification of reaction products by LC/MS The reaction products were identified using LC/MS after the mixtures of amino acids and MDA were incubated for about 48 h. The mixture of taurine + MDA was analyzed that a total ion current chromatogram in comparison with a DAD chromatogram and the mass spectrum corresponding to the retention time of product 1 was m/z 180.0 [MP1 + H]+ (Figure 2A). Similarly, the mass spectrum corresponding to product 2 was m/z 260.0 [MP2 + H]+ (Figure 2B). After the mixture of GABA and MDA was incubated, the mass spectrum corresponding to the retention time of product 3 was m/z 158.2 [MP3 + H]+ (Figure 2C). Similarly, the mass spectrum corresponding to product 4 was m/z 238.2 [MP4 + H]+ (Figure 2D). The mixture of Glu + MDA and Asp + MDA was analyzed. The mass spectrum corresponding to the retention time of product 5 was m/z 202.

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